SimpleTree Plugin¶
The SimpleTree plugin is developed by Jan Hackenberg the DIABOLO project ([[]]) - working package (WP) 2.2.2
DIABOLO has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 633464.
Working package 2 has the generale purpose of Harmonizing growing stack, biomass and carbon estimation.
Output of the plugin...
Changelog SimpleTree 4 - all Beta Versions summary
Developer:- Jan Hackenberg
Philipp Puschmann, Ana de Lera, Norman Döring, Jon Sheppard, Edzer Pebesma, Matthieu Dassot, Cedric Vega, Alexandre Piboule, Michael Krebs, Saint Laurent Andre, Jean-Christophe Herve, Jean-Daniel Bontemps and others