Dear Computree users,
A new complete version of Computree is coming soon.
But for now, if you want to try the SimpleTree plugin alone, Jan Hackenberg has compiled a windows beta version of Computree, containing only SimpleTree (so note a lots of Computree functionalities are missing).
He is also providing the first videos on our new Youtube Computree tutorial channel: Computree_EN.
Below I let you read his announcement for all of that:
Dear Computree users,
I went with a new plugin semi public three months ago. Since today, all Computree users can download a windows exectuable without having to contact me first. Thanks to the users who sent me valuable feedback:
The plugin is capable of segmenting plot scans and produce complete geometrical models out of segmented tree clouds, you can get an impression from the two attached screenshots.
You will find in addition to the executable (Windows) a PDF describing how to use the plugin. There is also three tutorial videos available on youtube:
If you find the plugin useful please give in your result/thesis/publication the following citation of my most recent publication, which might also be nice to read for you as a user:
Hackenberg, J.; Spiecker, H.; Calders, K.; Disney, M.; Raumonen, P. SimpleTree —An Efficient Open Source Tool to Build Tree Models from TLS Clouds. Forests 2015, 6, 4245-4294.
In case of problems, make sure you looked through the PDF and videos if you find the solution. Otherwise feel free to contact me: (my email changed recently). I am also interested in feedback. Both if you are fine with the plugin and also if there are problems. In case you find a way to crash my plugin, the feedback is really valuable.
Please do then so the following: upload you point cloud to dropbox or to another place, please do not sent me by mail. I most likely need the cloud to reproduce and fix the error. Sent me as well a step configuration script making this crash happen and link both with a minimal description in an email. I can remove the cloud after fixing from my computer if you ask me to do so.
Make sure to always visual validate the quality of my models. The nice models you see in the pictures are also derived from high quality clouds. Be careful if you work with DBH, you need to put the right parameter in the configuration file. If you do not put the right value, my program does not know the real world height of the z-coordinates. I discuss this in more detail in the PDF.
I hope you enjoy my plugin.