h1. HT1 - Load, visualize, crop and export a T-Lidar point cloud |{width:4000px;text-align:left;border-color:transparent}. !/attachments/download/19/fr_FR.png! [[Fr_loadCloud|...version française de cette page]] | notice<>. This tutorial uses the following script in the *Computree* *HowTo* subfolder: _HT1_Load_Crop_Export_Cloud.xsct2_ h2. Objective p<>. This tutorial shows how to: # Load a .xyb point cloud : _sample_cloud.xyb_ (located in the HowTo folder) # Display the point cloud in the step manager, the model manager and in a 3D view # Extract a circular or rectangular plot # Export data as file h2. Load a ploint cloud p<>. This platform operates in steps that are displayed in the StepManager window. To open a file, you must add a new step. Use the !folder_add.jpg! button and select the .xyb file. !step_manager1_EN.jpg! p<>. To actually begin charging the file, press the !start.jpg! button. p<>. When a step execution is completed, the progressing bar is full and the result can be diplayed by activating the *Result* checkbox in the *Step manager* window : !step_manager2_EN.jpg! p<>. You may notice that subresults are created as well in the *Model manager* : * a *Scene* which contains the actual point cloud * ??? *Intensity* * ??? *Scanner* h2. Display the point cloud p<>. To view a particular element, activate the corresponding checkbox in the *Model manager* window. To display scan points in the 3D view, check the *Scene* box. p<>. N.B. : Use the !ajust_cam.jpg! button to ajust camera view to visible elements. !plot.jpg! p<>. In the *3D view*, you can manually adjust view using the *left click button* (rotation), the *right click button* (translation) and the *scroll wheel* (zoom). Exemple for another perspective : !plot_2.jpg! p<>. The points *intensity* can also be displayed. In order to do that, use the !color.jpg! button that gives access to the *Configure colors* window : !configure_color_EN.jpg! Click on the *Apply* button to display intensity : !plot_intensity.jpg! tip. You may also manually change the color ramp. See [[En_computreegui_views|Views functionality documentation]] for further information. h2. Plot extraction p<>. There are different possibilities in order to extract a portion of the point cloud. p<>. The _HT1_Load_Crop_Export_Cloud.xsct2_ script uses two of these methods : * The _OE_StepExtractPlot_ step, found in the *ONF - ENSAM* plugin is used to extract a circular plot of a given radius (_onfensamv2_ / _Extraction of plot_ ) * The _TK_StepExtractBox_ step, found in the *ToolKit* plugin is used to extract a portion of the point cloud using a bounding box (_toolkit_ / _Exctract Sub-Cloud_ / _Extraction of a point cloud // bounding box_ ) p<>. The *_OE_StepExtractPlot_* tool takes as parameters : !extract_plot_EN.jpg! * The *X and Y coordinates of the plot center* * A *Maximum plot radius* * The *Z minimum and maximum values* * If a *Plot start radius* is given, the plot will be annular (ring-shaped) * If you wish to extract a sector, a *Start and End azimuth* can also be defined. warning<>. All azimuth values are specified in *gradian*: North = 0 or 400, East = 100, South = 200, West = 300 p<>. The *_TK_StepExtractBox_* tool takes as parameters : !extract_box_EN.jpg! * The bottom left coordinates (X,Y,Z) of the bounding box * The top right coordinates (X,Y,Z) of the bounding box tip<>. It is also possible to extract a point cloud from a cylinder or a sphere. (_toolkit_ / _Exctract Sub-Cloud_ / ) h2. Save point cloud to file The !export.jpg! button enables you to export a point cloud to a specified format. !export_format.jpg! _____ | [[En_tutorials|Back to How Tos list]]|