


FR - Nouvelle version de Computree

Added by Piboule Alexandre over 10 years ago

Une nouvelle version de Computree (2.140.323) est disponible pour :

  • Ubuntu LTS 12.04, 64 bits
  • Ubuntu 13.04, 64 bits
  • Windows 7/8 64 bits
  • Windows 7/8 32 bits

Pour accéder aux téléchargements :

Nouveautés :
  • Correction de nombreux bugs (plantages, clipping, cylindres mal placés ...)
  • Amélioration de l’interface (vues 3D, vue tabulaire, log, placement auto des nouvelles fenêtres ...)
  • L’ItemManager disparaît, car ses fonctionnalités sont absorbées par les vues tabulaires
  • Noms des exporters plus explicites
  • Etape PB_StepSegmentCrowns améliorée (et corrigée)
  • Nouveaux exports (grid2D, grid3D, profiles ), amélioration des exporters existants (extensions auto...)
  • Amélioration du reader générique ASCII (fichiers sans entête, possibilité d’importer couleurs et/ou normales)
  • Nouvelles étapes :
    • PB_StepSegmentGaps : similaire à PB_StepSegmentCrowns mais pour les trouées
    • PB_StepGenericGroupExporter : export de tous les attributs de tous les iems d’un niveau de groupe
    • PB_StepAddAffiliationId et PB_StepSetAffiliationIdFromReference : ajout d’identifiants commun pour des éléments issus d’étapes différentes
  • Nouveaux items :
    • Polygones 2D (cf. PB_StepSegmentCrowns)
    • Métriques (idem)
    • Affiliations (cf. PB_StepAddAffiliationId, PB_StepSetAffiliationIdFromReference)
    • Grilles 4D (cf. travaux en cours de Joris Ravaglia)
    • Profiles (cf. PB_StepComputeHitGrid)
  • Pour les développeurs de plugins : simplification drastique de la syntaxe des modèles


Added by ALI JAMES over 1 year ago

Additionally, it’s important to consider your fitness level when determining gym frequency. Beginners may benefit from starting with 2-3 days per week and gradually increasing as their fitness improves. More advanced individuals may find that they need 4-6 days per week to challenge themselves and continue progressing.

Added by Loinse Bekean over 1 year ago

Amélioration de l’étape PB_StepSegmentCrowns (segments de couronne) et correction des problèmes associés. Ajout de nouveaux exportateurs tels que grid2D, grid3D et profiles, ainsi qu’amélioration des exportateurs existants avec des extensions automatiques.

Added by keon noble over 1 year ago

When deciding how often to visit the gym, your current fitness level should also be taken into account. If you’re just getting started, it may be best to start with two or three days a week and work up to more as your fitness level rises. People who are already well on their way may need to train four to six days a week if they want to keep improving. [[>wordle today]]

Added by zetisno zetisno about 1 year ago

Nous avons apporté des corrections significatives, among us online notamment pour résoudre des problèmes de plantage, de clipping, et d’alignement incorrect des cylindres.

Added by Bobby Alice about 1 year ago

You should also consider your present level of fitness when determining how often to visit the gym. When you first start out, it might be ideal to only go out two or three days a week. As your fitness level increases, you can work your way up to more.

Added by zetisno zetisno 9 months ago

Cette mise à jour représente une avancée significative pour “That’s Not My Neighbor"":” Computree, offrant aux utilisateurs une expérience améliorée et des fonctionnalités étendues.

Added by zetisno zetisno 9 months ago

Cette mise à jour représente une avancée significative pour [[ | That’s Not My Neighbor]] Computree, offrant aux utilisateurs une expérience améliorée et des fonctionnalités étendues.

Added by zetisno zetisno 9 months ago

Cette mise à jour représente une avancée significative pour That’s Not My Neighbor Computree, offrant aux utilisateurs une expérience améliorée et des fonctionnalités étendues.

Added by Ferriss Timothy 9 months ago

Il semble qu’une nouvelle version de Computree (2.140.323) soit disponible avec plusieurs améliorations et corrections de bugs backpack battles

Added by dam helen 6 months ago

I want to express my utmost admiration for the author’s remarkable ability to slither maintain a consistent level of depth, rigor, and intellectual engagement throughout this extensive article, which serves as a beacon of knowledge and a source of inspiration for scholars and enthusiasts alike.

Added by Evan Annata 6 months ago

[[|Pokerogue]] is a fan-made game that creatively blends the gameplay mechanics of Pokémon with the challenging and procedural nature of roguelike games.

Added by Evan Annata 6 months ago

Pokerogue is a fan-made game that creatively blends the gameplay mechanics of Pokémon with the challenging and procedural nature of roguelike games.

Added by zetisno zetisno 6 months ago

Playing games can provide [[ Geometry Dash]] a healthy outlet for competition and ambition.

Added by Brown Emma 4 months ago

To achieve high results in slope, players need to focus on the path: Always pay attention to the shape of [ slope] and obstacles to react promptly.

Added by Brown Emma 4 months ago

To achieve high results in players need to focus on the path: Always pay attention to slope shape and obstacles to react promptly.

Added by Bridges Samuel about 1 month ago

The programs are really interesting. Follow and approach the appropriate solution together. Also have information to grasp the easy way to play coreball. Using your skills and imagination, you must complete each level. Early on, the challenges are easy, but as you progress, they will become increasingly challenging. More challenging parts of the game might make even the best players lose.